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Blacklane chauffeur assisting a passenger through the airport by wheeling her luggage

在全球 20 座商务旅客流量最大的机场中,旅客走出慕尼黑机场的时间是最短的。 旅客只需 30 分钟即可坐上自己的专车。 请参阅我们的博客了解更多信息。


Business Class


First Class


Business Van


Electric Class

捷豹I-PACE、特斯拉Model S、特斯拉Model X或类似车型


德国南部的首都是商业、艺术和旅游的成功中心,拥有啤酒节、一些非常成功的航空航天和汽车公司以及 Pinakothek der Moderne-这里拥有世界知名的表现主义者、野兽家和立体派作品收藏。无论您的在慕尼黑的目的,Blacklane 的机场接送服务都是从慕尼黑机场到您的酒店的最有效、最可靠和时尚的方式。您的可以决定我们的汽车类别是常规慕尼黑出租车的理想选择:商务车型(我们最受欢迎和价格合理的服务)、大型商务车车(团体)和豪华车型(适用于重要场合和活动)。我们的司机满足了一个优秀的质量标准,他们是专业和当地知识渊博,这意味着他们知道最好的路线,让你及时到达目的地-慕尼黑的理想专车服务


从慕尼黑机场 (MUC) 出发的简化接送服务

没有什么比试图在漫长而疲劳的飞行之后获得 负担得起的慕尼黑豪华轿车服务 更可取。在您起飞前预订 Blacklane 机场接送服务,让您提前整理您的旅程,以加快您的继续旅行。我们提供全方位服务的接送服务包括航班跟踪和免费的等待时间,以及航空和地面延误的保险政策。您将直接在门口由您的专业司机迎接,他们将协助您与您的行李,然后迅速将您司机送到您的目的地。无论您是前往新豪森住宅,还是前往时尚的海德豪森,从 Blacklane 可靠的慕尼黑专车服务都会让您在那里感觉清新,没有压力。

与 Blacklane 探索德国的啤酒之都

除了我们的慕尼黑机场专车服务外,Blacklane 还提供城市接送和每小时租赁服务-非常适合在慕尼黑最好的啤酒酒吧和啤酒厂进行个性化的骑士爬行! 预订一辆汽车晚上,让您的当地知识渊博的 Blacklane 司机充当你的导游和指定司机,运送你从一个地方到一个地方品脱世界级的比尔森海尔斯和 weizen bier。这座城市拥有七家主要的啤酒厂,但是精酿啤酒场景非常庞大,数百家小品牌可供品尝。施耐德·魏斯,吉辛格·布拉乌和 Brauerei im Eiswerk 都是啤酒爱好者必须参观的微型啤酒厂,没有更好的方式来参观他们比随时随地与私人 Blacklane 司机。您可以通过我们的网站和应用程序预订我们所有的服务:机场接送,城市旅行和每小时租赁,所以今天预订 Blacklane 慕尼黑司机服务


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to get from Munich Airport to the city?

The fastest way to get from Munich airport to the city center is by car, which takes only 25-30 minutes. For frequency, the S-bahn train lines S1 and S8 will do the journey in approximately 40 minutes, departing every 10 minutes or so. The Lufthansa Airport Bus leaves every 20 minutes and takes about 45 minutes.

How much is a train from Munich Airport to the city center?

€ 11.60 is the cost of a single one-way S-Bahn train ticket from Munich Airport into the city center.

Do taxi drivers in Munich speak English?

Due to the city’s position at the center of a lot of international business for over a century, you’ll find that many taxi drivers in Munich will speak some English. With a Blacklane private driver, however, it's guaranteed that your chauffeur will speak fluent English as a requirement, in order to make your experience as smooth as possible.

Do cabs in Munich take credit cards?

Many but not all taxicabs in Munich will take credit cards, so either carry some Euros with you, or be sure to check before you get in that they accept card. When you ride with Blacklane in Munich, you’ll have no need to worry, as the fee is agreed and paid in advance - even tips and gratuities are already included.

How do I get from Munich airport to a hotel?

Regardless of where your hotel is, taking a taxi or private airport transfer is one of the easiest ways to get there after your flight. This is not only because they can take you from the terminal to the hotel door, but also because these vehicles are 10-15 minutes faster taking you into Munich city center than the train.

How does private transfer work from an airport?

A private airport transfer is a vehicle which takes air passengers and their luggage to and from their flights. They work by pre-booking ahead of the trip, and the driver typically tracks the customer’s flight to make any adjustments to the pick-up time. Depending on the size of the party, the vehicle varies from a limo sedan to a Business Van for larger parties.